[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)] [font=宋体]The traditional Western holiday Christmas is coming soon. With the continuous exchange and integration of Chinese and Western cultures in recent years, Christmas has l
Why does the following wait statement not work and the output does not change?module my_wait(input clk, output ok); reg x=1'b0; always wait (clk) begin x=~x; end assign ok=x; endmodule eeworldpostqq
The LED keyboard indicator lights of 7 rows and 5 columns, when the key is pressed, the corresponding LED indicator lights will also light up! The principle of lighting up: the column is high level, t
The USB learning board has been completed and a batch has been made recently. If you need it, you can participate in this group purchase activity.Team leader registration number: EEWORLD_005
The group