I recently synthesized a program , and after synthesizing it, I put the gate-level netlist into modelsim for simulation , and found that some registers output high impedance, but the high impedance st
The Caption property of the form is set to: My_First_Driver, which can be displayed normally. However, when the Caption: My First Driver is displayed in garbled characters, the symbol "&" in the Stati
This section talks about external interrupts.
Read the introduction and understand the program is the best way
External interrupt is the lowest priority interrupt of MSP430 and it is a maskable in
My OBD board integrates the TDA61 chip, which is used to communicate with the vehicle ECU and obtain vehicle information. TDA61 integrates 30 AT commands and is compatible with all OBDII protocols of
Many people say that simulation is inaccurate. I just want to say that many people do not use simulation software correctly. Without good modeling, simulation cannot produce correct results. The role