[p=30, 2, left]GUI is a good way to express products and is very popular. In the early days, everyone used ucgui. Gradually, GUI became more common. However, TouchGFX is the most beautiful, but it is
Epson recommended a controller S1D13775BGA to us today. They said that their IC can support WVGA (800*480) screen. I wonder if any experts have done this?
I see that the frequency of 449's FLL+ setting can reach more than 40MHz. Now I need to output a clock of about 20MHz to other devices. Does anyone know or have tried it?
[i=s]This post was last edited by dontium on 2015-1-23 11:42[/i] [font=宋体][size=2]In the early stage of development, some boards are always manually pasted, and there are always many problems when the