What is considered a transfer complete? That is, in EDMA or DMA transfer, when will a transfer complete interrupt be sent? (Assuming the enable bit and transfer complete code have been set). It is not
Many chips, such as the one shown below , generally have a description of the PowerPAD pins and the requirement to connect to GND (outside the chip)What I am more curious about is, will the PowerPAD o
RT-Thread provides a simple virtual file system support. With it, file operations are as simple as Linux.The Virtual File System (VFS) was created by Sun Microsystems when defining the Network File Sy
I am running a bare metal program in am1808, the system clock is 300Mhz, and the test method uses GPIO to output high and low levels to measure the execution time of 1000 nop instructions. It is found
Post again! Development platform: Platform Builder5.0, EVC4+SP4 Hardware platform: urbetter's 2440 and 2450 hardware platform Problem: When customizing the system, after adding JPG Decoder and PNG Dec