void I2C_Standby_24C(void) //Judge whether EEPROM is busy or not by reading the value of the two-bit BUSY of SR1{ vu16 SR1_Tmp; do { /*Start bit*/ I2C_GenerateSTART(I2C1, ENABLE); /*Read SR1*/ SR1_Tmp
The Cortex-M3/M4/M7 core has a DWT unit (Data Watch and Trace Unit), which contains a clock cycle register with the same frequency as the CPU clock. IAR EWARM's C-SPY debugging system implements a 64-
It is necessary to design a curing agent detection device. The sensor part is required to detect the presence of curing agent through the black tube. As long as there is curing agent, there should be
I have the AD9857 in single-tone mode, but the higher the frequency of the output sine wave, the smaller the amplitude. Now I want to use the modulation mode. When I write the IQ data stream, I write