------------The following serial port sending part
module uart_tx (clk,rst,tx_data,tx_data_valid,tx_data_ack,txd);
-----------Sensitive variables include clock/reset, transmit data, transmit data vali
After using the Hive-based Registry function in PB5.0, a black screen appears after the system starts. Current situation: It has been confirmed that the system can be started, and after startup, the b
Can you please help me find where the problem lies? void test() { TBCCTL0=CM0+CCIS_1+CAP; TBCTL=TBSSEL_2+MC_2+TBCLR; TBCCTL0&=~CCIFG; while(!(CCIFG&TBCCTL0)); TBCTL=TBCLR; TBCCTL0=CM1; while(!(CCIFG&T
I want to design an integrator circuit to integrate the square wave output by AD9850 into a triangle wave. However, the frequency range of my output square wave is very large. How should I calculate t
[i=s]This post was last edited by jameswangsynnex on 2015-3-3 19:53[/i] [color=#333333][font=Arial] As for the various high-techs nowadays, I can only say that they are getting more and more detailed.