[i=s]This post was last edited by roc2 on 2019-5-8 00:01[/i] [font=新宋体][size=3][color=rgb(79, 79, 79)]At present, ZeroKnowledge Open Source already has three general development boards - ZeroKnowledge
For ARM programs, such as ARM7, when writing a small project, such as making a light on or a buzzer sound, you need to write a lot of programs, such as initializing GPIO, defining multiple macros, set
[i=s] This post was last edited by dontium on 2015-1-23 11:35 [/i] The signal amplitude is less than 20mvpp, the frequency is 20MHZ, which TI op amp is better to use as the preamplifier. I have opa690
waveAPI.dll->audio device manager->software mixer How do I use this software mixer? How do I find its related information? I can't find it in the help? Do I add some item to sysgen? How do I use the a
Practice using SysTick interrupts, put SysTickHandler in main.c. It doesn't work. Put SysTickHandler in stm32f10x_it.c. What's the principle? Or is it a compiler problem? I'm using keil4. Here's the c