[i=s]This post was last edited by Ruyingsuixing on 2015-1-14 11:10[/i] Electronics/Hardware EngineerYour job responsibilities: 1. Schematic design and PCBlayout 2. Support new product introduction or
It works on PC. CE also has this API. How should I use it? HMIXER hmx; mixerOpen(&hmx, 0, 0, 0, 0); It compiles and passes, but it fails when executed.
I am new to AVR and the development environment I use is AVR Stduio 4.19 (the latest one downloaded from the official website) and GCC FOR AVR (also downloaded from the Internet, but I don’t know if i
[color=#666666][font=arial, 宋体]I don't know what device my upstairs bought. My electronic products have screens (computer monitors, PSP game consoles, mobile phones). When there is no network, my upst
#include msp430x14x.h void main (void) {WDTCTL= WDTPW + WDTHOLD; //Set the watchdog control register and turn off the watchdog./*unsigned char j;//Use external high-frequency crystal oscillatorBCSCTL1