MYC-CZU3EG is an ultra-high performance and highly compact Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC core board. This SOM is based on XCZU3EG (optional XCZU2CG, XCZU3CG, XCZU4EV, XCZU5EV), and is configured with 4GB DDR
Probably from the day we entered kindergarten and started group life, we knew what tattletales were. Whether in school or in the workplace, there must be a few people in a group who would always get c
After the temperature sensor signal is amplified by OP07, it is sent to the microcontroller port through the 4 op amps of LM324 and the 4052 switch. Why are the output and input ports of the X and Y t
I am using Wildfire 103. I have tried every baud rate of the debugging assistant and it still produces garbled characters. I don't know why. Please provide a solution.