Haha, this is not a technical post. If you need information, please contact 1005450581 or 15528026929. It doesn't take months, just a few days for you to truly experience the magic of Android developm
TI现在的开发环境换成了一套基于开源Eclipse的IDE,不用再为IAR而烦恼了。具体操作细节可以看官方说明:Getting Started with CC13xx Software Examples (Code Composer Studio (CCS))1.Download and install TI-RTOS SimpleLink bundle from the link above.2
Why is it that when I upload information, a pop-up pop-up appears asking me to fill in the title details so that they can be downloaded, making it so that I can't even upload it? How can I solve this
[backcolor=rgb(255, 229, 0)][color=blue][backcolor=white][size=5]* This seminar is open to engineers in the industry only. Thank you for your cooperation![/size][size=5]Welcome to TI's one-day technic
I used VB to write a simple serial port program to communicate with the STC89C52 microcontroller and send data to the microcontroller through VB, but the microcontroller doesn't respond.
These two pro
I have made a print processor, which converts the .spl files in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS directory into .emf files, and then converts the .emf files into .bmp files. Does anyone know how