An integer i is defined; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst) begin for (i=0;i<7;i=i+1) begin encode[55-i*7:52-i*7]<=data_in[31-i*4:28-i*4]; end end Error: Quartus Error: i is not a constant Modelsim
The purpose of this study is to learn how to use the Timer and the timer interrupt to change the LED state .
Related functions involved in timer operation:
lTimerConfigure configures the timer;
I have been working on this for several days. I am about to collapse. I boot the computer with DOS, loadcepc to load nk.bin. Atom z530, chipset US15W. After loading the kernel, the screen shows Jumpin
[align=center][/align] The term USB Type C has gradually entered people's field of vision with Apple's press conference. From retina to USB Type C, although these technologies were not invented by App
Based on the MSP430F149 microcontroller, the DS2762 read and write operation C language program can respond to buttons or other signals, read current and voltage, and perform corresponding processing.