Of the 6 posts I sent 30 hours ago, half are being displayed, and the other half show: they do not exist, have been deleted, or are being reviewed. What's going on?
Platform: s3c2440 + wince5.0 In the serial port driver file pdds3c2440_ser.cpp [code] void CPdd2440Uart::XmitInterruptHandler(PUCHAR pTxBuffer, ULONG *pBuffLen) { ...... for (DWORD dwByteWrite=0; dwBy
PWM signal can be converted into DC voltage after low-pass filtering. The square wave in the narrow-band range can be converted into a sine wave of corresponding frequency after low-pass filtering. Ca
[i=s]This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 09:29[/i] [size=5][color=#0000ff]At the press conference on May 22, Academician Wang Yue said, "This year we began to emphasize two aspects of a