I now have a program for an LED running light, which is larger than 4K. When S3C2440 starts from nandflash, there is a boot code start.s in front, which is responsible for hardware initialization and
https://gitee.com/KiCAD-CN/kicad-cn-forum/blob/master/zh_CN/KiCad_plugin.md#kicad-%E7%94%9F%E4%BA%A7%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E7%94%9F%E6%88%90%E5%99%A8KiCad Production File Generator
The code is as follows: [code] static OMAP3430_MCBSP_REGS_t *pMcbsp1Regs; pMcbsp1Regs = OALPAtoUA(OMAP_MCBSP1_REGS_PA); RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("InitMcbsp1_32bit:(&pMcbsp1Regs->SYSCONFIG) = 0x%x"),(&pMcbsp1
[align=center]Lecture 1 Introduction to WEBENCH and Login[/align] [align=left]1.1 Introduction to WEBENCH[font=楷体_GB2312][/font][/align] [align=left]WEBENCH[font=楷体_GB2312] is a very powerful online d