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  • ADC10 technology application of MSP430_2
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  • Duration:13 minutes and 43 seconds
  • Date:2013/05/02
  • Uploader:dongcuipin
keywords: MSP430 OF MCU

MSP430 microcontroller has built-in ADC function, which is ADC12 on some high-end microcontroller series and ADC10 on low-level microcontroller series. The main difference between the two is the resolution. Our G2553 has built-in ADC10, so Cloud is here and Let’s learn ADC10 together.
ADC10 Features
Let’s first take a look at the features of this ADC10, which are officially given:
· Conversion rate up to 200ksps;
· Fixed 10-bit conversion;
· With sample and hold function, and optional sampling period;
· Can be configured through software code or TimerA Initialization conversion;
·Optional on-chip (1.5V or 2.5V) or off-chip reference voltage;
·Supports 8 external input channels;
·Internal input channels support temperature detection, VCC and external reference (+, -);
·Can Selected conversion clock source;
·Single channel single/multiple, sequence channel single/multiple, a total of 4 conversion modes;
·ADC core and reference voltage can be turned off independently;
·Has a data support for automatically storing conversion results Transfer Controller (DTC);
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