• Duration:4 minutes and 24 seconds
  • Date:2015/02/02
  • Uploader:dongcuipin

Atmel Automotive Division showcases its cutting-edge automotive infotainment user interface  using Atmel Qtouch and  maXTouch metal grid curved display technology , containing millions of lines of code, at least 30 or even 100 MCU control devices, this automotive system is An ideal application example that brings smart interconnected devices into the Internet of Things era. Driven by consumer demand for seamless integration of mobile devices into cars, in-vehicle technology has quickly become an important part of digital life. The new generation AvantCar 2.0 demonstrates the interconnection with the car through a cutting-edge HMI console connected to the concept car, including car access control, Internet of Vehicles, MCU , Ethernet transmission of audio files, MHL support and security technology. This 2.5 -dimensional simulated automotive access control system showcases several of Atmel 's automotive technologies, including Passive EntryGo , LIN for connected vehicles and Automotive Area Network (CAN) communications  all using Atmel MCUs , LIN transceivers and SBCs . Furthermore, AvantCar 2.0 demonstrates streaming audio files over Ethernet -AVB .

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