Recommended introductory tutorial for ARM embedded Linux system development, "ARM Embedded Linux System Development" video tutorial, 40 episodes in total, author Gong Lei
[i=s]This post was last edited by littleshrimp on 2022-1-10 12:20[/i]In order to display the thermal imaging data on STM32, the last plan was to use GW1N to convert the parallel data of DS90C124 into
0; LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; ENTITY ADSIGNAL IS PORT( ADcode: OUT Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0); CLKin: BUFFER Std_Logic; Flagreset: OUT Std_Logic); C
I simulated the serial port with my own software, using 1121.I sent 24, but the host received 24 FF. I traced the program and saw that it received 24 for the first time, and then received FF.I used th
PIC16F73, I defined an integer array, int a[100], and when debugging, I found that a is 0xf090 in the watch window. Is there a problem? Also, int b=200, what will b/9 be?