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Simple production of bile and stone mixed power

Source: InternetPublisher:qoistoochee128 Keywords: NI amplifier tube Updated: 2021/11/20

1. Simple production of mixed power of bile and stone.gif

The electrical principle of the hybrid power amplifier is shown in Figure Zl. As can be seen from the figure, the circuit of this machine is simple. The input voltage amplification stage uses the electronic tube
6N11J0. 6N11J is a low-priced fever tube popular among enthusiasts. Its performance is quite good. The voltage gain of the voltage amplifier is designed to be about 30 times. Its input characteristics The frequency can reach more than several megahertz. The cathode output device uses electronic tube 6 NI J. 6NIJ and 6N11J are equally famous in the audiophile industry. 9 This cathode output device has two functions: First, it uses its high input impedance to reduce the load of the voltage amplifier , which reduces distortion and obtains The large dynamic output is extremely beneficial; secondly, its low output impedance eliminates the influence of the input impedance of the VM()S tube on the frequency band, creating favorable conditions for broadening the frequency band of the whole machine. In order to better reduce the output impedance of the output device, the machine uses a 6 NI J in parallel. When choosing the above two tubes, the first choice is the "Shuguang" brand electronic tube.




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