Modulated photoelectric sensor application circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:抄写员 Keywords: Photoelectric sensor modulation application circuit sensor application Updated: 2020/08/13
The photoelectric sensor has the ability to resist external light interference, which is crucial to ensuring the normal and reliable operation of the machine. For this purpose, a modulation circuit can be added to suppress
changes in dark current (unilluminated current) in the sensor. When using a modulated reflective light sensor, the ability to resist light interference becomes stronger. Figure 9-s8 shows
a more practical modulation sensor circuit.
(1) The basic principle of the circuit is that the transmitter part uses a four-NAND gate integrated circuit to form a multivibrator (the oscillation frequency of RP1 can be
fine-tuned), and the pulses are shaped and amplified, and then connected to a 9013 transistor to drive the infrared transmitter. The receiving part consists of infrared receiving tube VD2,
LM393 operational amplifier and LM567. After VD2 receives the infrared control f equal sign and performs photoelectric conversion, it is coupled to the LM393 operational amplifier by C for voltage amplification
. The signal output by the op amp is coupled to LM567 by C3 for audio decoding (frequency selection). RP3 and G determine the resonant frequency of LM567. When
pin ③ of LM567 inputs a signal with the same oscillation frequency as its own, pin ⑧ outputs low level. Otherwise, the output is high level, and
an operational amplifier of LM393 is used to form a Schmitt comparator, setting l. The signal of pin 8 of M567 is connected to the comparator for comparison and then output.
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