Coinitialize CoInitialize is an API function provided by Windows, which is used to tell Windows to create COM objects in a single-threaded manner. The COM library must be initialized before the appli
Circuit Function and BenefitsThe circuit shown in Figure 1 AD5270/AD5272 uses a digital rheostat and the AD8615 operational amplifier to provide a compact, low-cost, low-voltage, variable-gain inverti
For an electronic system now, the design of the power supply part is becoming more and more important. I would like to discuss with you some of my own experience in power supply design to start a disc
[size=6][color=#ff0000]It is best to remove the short-circuit cap of the P1.6-LED lamp on the board. If you do not remove it, it will have an impact. Personal test[/color][/size]
The book says that in the continuous counting mode of timer A, the counter counts from 0 to FFFFH, then returns to 0 and counts again. It can also increase the value of CCR0 in the interrupt, and outp