The first issue - Zero Basics Introduction - 47 episodes The second issue - Kernel Programming - 20 episodes The third issue - Bare metal development - 21 episodes The fourth issue - Driver development - 82 episodes available
In EVC, I read the bitmap into the memory DC using the SHLoadDIBitmap function, HBITMAP bitmap = SHLoadDIBitmap( szBitmap ); I found that the calling speed is very slow and it takes several seconds to
The RESET pin of STM32 is always in the valid state, which makes the program unable to be downloaded. I checked the hardware reset circuit (using a pull-up resistor in series with a capacitor and a re
[align=left]My WeChat public account is "Electronic Design Ideas", WeChat ID is eedesign, and I post one or two best design tips every week. [/align] [align=left]After going online, I posted a ranking
Here, I want to discuss the issue of using __delay_cycles delay in MSP430 microcontroller. IAR for MSP430 compiler provides a compiler inline precise delay function (not a real function) to provide us
The GPRS module I am using now is BenQ's M23. What I want to achieve is to use the microcontroller to transmit data to the Internet website through GPRS. M23 has its own communication protocol. If I w