The first issue - Zero Basics Introduction - 47 episodes The second issue - Kernel Programming - 20 episodes The third issue - Bare metal development - 21 episodes The fourth issue - Driver development - 82 episodes available
The LM7812 has a 24V input and a 12V output. It generates severe heat and after a long time, the output is not very stable. Is there any good solution?
Today I saw a post like this on the Internet: I bought a monitoring phone from Tiancheng Electronic Monitoring Co., Ltd., and agreed to pay half of the price first, 750 yuan, and the full amount was 1
TI's internship recruitment plan is being launched nationwide. Last week, I had the honor of attending TI's recruitment fair for interns and fresh graduates in Wuhan. Although the results are unknown,
One is external interrupt, the other is clock interrupt.The settings are as follows,//PC7nvic_init.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI9_5_IRQChannel;nvic_init.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0;nvic_init.NVIC_I
The company is headquartered in the United States. Its main products are headphones, speakers and speaker accessories. The Shenzhen company is mainly responsible for product development, quality contr