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Overvoltage detection circuit schematic, overvoltage detection circuit analysis

Source: InternetPublisher:newlandmark Keywords: Detection circuit overvoltage Updated: 2025/03/07

Overvoltage detection circuit schematic

    The schematic diagram of the overvoltage detection circuit is shown in the figure. When an overvoltage signal is generated, the varistor is broken down, presenting a low resistance value or even close to a short-circuit state, so that a large current is generated on the primary side of the current transformer, and a small current is generated on the secondary side through the mutual inductance of the coil, and then the current signal is converted into a voltage signal through a precision resistor; after this signal is input to the voltage comparator LM393, the voltage comparator LM393 outputs a high level, and the control pulse 1 output by the NOT gate A controls the power supply circuit, disconnects the switch power supply circuit, and starts the backup power supply. Control pulse 2 is sent to the interrupt of the microcontroller, and the microcontroller control circuit starts the A/D conversion and samples the instantaneous value of the overvoltage.


Overvoltage detection circuit (I)

    D19 is a voltage-stabilizing diode. When the input voltage VIN is greater than (Vz+0.7)V, IO_IN changes from a high level to a low level, which can be easily detected using the GPIO interrupt of the MCU.


Overvoltage detection circuit (II)

    Optocoupler is used for isolation detection. D1 is a voltage-stabilizing diode. When the input voltage VIN is greater than (VZ+VF), the optocoupler is turned on. VF is the turn-on voltage drop of the primary-side light-emitting diode of the optocoupler. IO_IN changes from a high level to a low level. The isolation detection can be easily realized by using the GPIO interrupt of the MCU.


Overvoltage detection circuit (III)

    D2 is a voltage-stabilizing diode. When the input voltage VIN is greater than (Vz+0.7)V, IO_VIN changes from high level to low level, which can be easily detected by the GPIO interrupt pin of the MCU.


Overvoltage detection circuit (IV)

    Using a comparator, the overvoltage detection point can be set by R5 and R7; the input voltage VIN is divided by resistors R11 and R12 before comparison. When IO_IN changes from a low level to a high level, the detection can be easily achieved using the GPIO interrupt of the MCU.






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