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Interconversion of flip-flops

Source: InternetPublisher:3228 Updated: 2010/07/07

Mutual conversion of flip-flops. Basic flip-flops can be converted to each other. JK flip-flops and D flip-flops are the two most commonly used flip-flops. Other flip-flops can be converted from these two flip-flops. Between them Can also be converted into each other. The JK flip-flop has two input control terminals, and it is very convenient to convert it into other flip-flops. How do we judge their correctness after transformation? It is based on the characteristic equation of each flip-flop to verify Example 1: Given the D flip-flop, try to convert it into a JK flip-flop. The characteristic square of the D flip-flop is called: Qn+1=D The characteristic square of the JK flip-flop is called Qn+1=JQn+KQn. It can be seen that the conversion circuit is as shown on the left. Example 2: In the upper right picture, F1 is D flip-flop, F2 is a JK flip-flop. The waveforms of CP and A are as shown in the upper right picture. Try to draw the waveforms of Q1 and Q2. From the circuit diagram, we can see that F1 is triggered on the rising edge and F2 is triggered on the falling edge. .So the waveform diagram is as shown on the right:  




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