Two common-emitter transistor amplifiers connected to form a directly coupled two-stage amplifier
Source: InternetPublisher:拳制龙 Keywords: transistor amplifier coupled common emitter BSP Updated: 2020/09/10
Two common-emitter transistor amplifiers connected to form a directly coupled two-stage amplifier
Shown is a direct- coupled two-stage amplifier consisting of two common-emitter (e) transistor amplifiers connected . There is no coupling capacitor in the circuit
, and the DC voltage output by the front-stage common-emitter (e) transistor amplifier is directly used as the input voltage of the subsequent-stage common-emitter (e) transistor amplifier
Compared with capacitor-coupled multi-stage amplifiers, direct-coupled multi-stage amplifiers have better low-frequency response. However, when
a small change in the power supply occurs, it will be amplified by the circuit, causing obvious deviation of the circuit. The operating points of the two-pole amplifiers influence each other.
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