This course is a motor control course based on STM32 taught by Hard Rock Technology, including DC brush motor control, PID closed-loop controller, servo control, stepper motor drive and control, DC brushless motor drive and control, etc.
Timers are always very useful components and must be used in our systems. In STM32L053, there are 3 general timers, a low power timer, a basic timer, two watchdogs and systick timer. Clock distributio
DCO has two factory calibration parameters, CALBC1_x and CALDCO_x. I want to ask, since DCO is an open-loop oscillator, even if the registers are set to these two calibration parameters, it still work
It is just like using the command line to control quartusll to compile the project without the GUI interface~~~ However, there is a help document for compiling with the command line in quartus, and it
[size=4] [font=黑体]As healthcare expands to include emerging technologies, as batteries shrink and connectivity increases, the medical field is poised for a paradigm shift in treatment options. In the
[size=6][color=#ff0000]Some time ago, I participated in the [/color][/size][color=#ea272a][font=黑体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=30px] comment "Play with TI MSP430 Launchpad" and enjoy the wonde