This course is a motor control course based on STM32 taught by Hard Rock Technology, including DC brush motor control, PID closed-loop controller, servo control, stepper motor drive and control, DC brushless motor drive and control, etc.
Help, teachers! Hello, everyone. Since the internal RAM is not enough for the program to run, I want to use DSP2812 to expand the RAM. The board I bought has a built-in IS61LV25616AL chip, which is 25
Sensor technology is the cutting-edge technology of modern science and technology. The sensor industry is also a high-tech industry recognized at home and abroad with promising development prospects.
I am looking for an M4 development board with complete information. I hope there is one with SRAM and NOR Flash. Finally, I want an atomic development board. If you have one, please contact me at 7548
【Chuanglong TL570x-EVM】Review 0 8 - QT Network Communication-TCP-UDP
1. QT software source
The software code used for this function verification comes from the book "QT5.9C++ Development Guide", which