This course is a motor control course based on STM32 taught by Hard Rock Technology, including DC brush motor control, PID closed-loop controller, servo control, stepper motor drive and control, DC brushless motor drive and control, etc.
[i=s]This post was last edited by awarenessxie on 2018-11-19 12:58[/i] ZYNQ 7020 development board, complete information. Just powered on a few times. Brand new. 600 yuan NRF52832 Bluetooth 5.0 develo
ATI drivers seem to be very vulnerable under Server 2003! As soon as the driver is upgraded or the SP2 patch is installed, an exclamation mark appears on the graphics card (HD3650), indicating that th
[i=s]This post was last edited by littleshrimp on 2014-8-27 12:28[/i] The Si701x/2x devices are Silicon Labs' second-generation relative humidity and temperature sensor family. All members of this dev
I just need a function that can write the MOSI and read the MISO pin values. The rising edge sends data and the falling edge receives data. There is a problem with the function I wrote, but in theory
Recently, I have read many documents about high-end MOS and low-end MOS. I have read some explanations. NMOS usually has its source connected to ground. It will conduct when the gate voltage is greate