This course is a motor control course based on STM32 taught by Hard Rock Technology, including DC brush motor control, PID closed-loop controller, servo control, stepper motor drive and control, DC brushless motor drive and control, etc.
How to burn the program into the Anxinke Bluetooth PB-03f kit? I have tried many times but it still doesn't work. I have changed the download software but it still doesn't work.
Press the Reset and Re
[i=s] This post was last edited by dontium on 2015-1-23 13:10 [/i]The core of the module is the ISD4004 voice chip, and its pinout is shown in Figure 5. The ISD4004 voice chip uses CMOS technology and
//******************************************************************************// MSP-FET430P140 Demo - ADC12, Sample A0, Set P1.0 if A0 > 0.5*AVcc//// Description: A single sample is made on A0 with
I want to use timer A to achieve: when the serial port sends the configuration parameters, timer A and B are initialized. The configuration parameters include the timer timing value. The initializatio
I now have an "Innovation EM9260" kit, and I want to make a simple serial port program on it, to send a string to an electric meter and receive the string it returns, and then display the returned str