Teaching material sharing! Engineers who want to learn LPC1100 development can start with the book "LPC1100 Microprocessor Development and Application Based on MDC"! The book contains a detailed intro
The field of laboratory monitoring has long been plagued by problems such as labor-intensive, inconvenient environmental data monitoring and viewing, and difficult maintenance of related testing equip
[size=4]It is relatively easy to disassemble. Remove the four legs and then the belly, and you will see the screws. [/size][size=4][b]The following is the circuit board[/b][/size][size=4][b]The follow
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When learning nxp1768, HardFault_Handler appeared during programming, and the program died on the HardFault_Handler of the .s file. I don't know why. The program is correct. Let's solve it. It is the