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Field output circuit: TDA3654

Source: InternetPublisher:风向西瓜 Updated: 2012/08/04

场输出电路:TDA3654 TDA3654 is a field output circuit that can drive a variety of deflection angle systems. The driving current can reach 1.5A (PP), and it has overheating and overload protection. The picture shows the application diagram of TDA3654 and TDA8362. The field sawtooth wave output from pin (43) of TDA8362 is sent to pins (1) and (3) of TDA3654 through R503 and R501. After amplification, the field sawtooth wave current is output from pin (5) to drive field deflection. R512 and R508 are DC feedback, R511 is field linear adjustment, R510 is field amplitude adjustment, C506 is linear correction capacitor, and C507 is output capacitor. TDA3654 is powered by a pump power supply, which is input from pin (6), V501 is the rectifier diode, and C504 is the pump capacitor. (9) Pin is the power pin of TDA3654, which is 27V during normal operation. Pin 1: 2.1V - Input pin 2: 0V - Ground pin 3: 1.6V - Input pin 4: 0V - Ground pin 5: 13V - Field output pin 6: 25V - Pump power supply pin 7: 0V - Protection of pin 8: 8V - Reverse pulse formation of pin 9: 25V - Power supply





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